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php82-php-pecl-msgpack - API for communicating with MessagePack serialization

Remi's RPM repository <https://rpms.remirepo.net/> #StandWithUkraine
This extension provide API for communicating with MessagePack serialization.

MessagePack is an efficient binary serialization format. It lets you exchange
data among multiple languages like JSON but it's faster and smaller.
For example, small integers (like flags or error code) are encoded into a
single byte, and typical short strings only require an extra byte in addition
to the strings themselves.

If you ever wished to use JSON for convenience (storing an image with metadata)
but could not for technical reasons (encoding, size, speed...), MessagePack is
a perfect replacement.

This extension is still EXPERIMENTAL.

Package built for PHP 8.2 as Software Collection (php82 by remi).


php82-php-pecl-msgpack-2.2.0-1.el9.remi.x86_64 [43 KiB] Changelog by Remi Collet (2023-06-02):
- update to 2.2.0
- build out of sources tree
- use parallel execution for test suite