%! % config.duplong % Configuration and header file for dvips. Load with: dvips -P duplong % % Prints in duplex mode with binding on the long edge if the printer % has a duplex unit, otherwise it will be ignored. % Works on: HP LaserJet IIISi, HP LJ 4m, 4m+, 4mv, 5, gs 3.33, 5.10, 6.0. % % This file is built so it can be used both as the header file for % PostScript and as the configuration file for dvips. % (Note that dvips ignores any lines beginning with a space or a "%".) % % Copyright (C) 1995-2006 by Volker Kuhlmann. % Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2. % See http://www.gnu.org/ for details. % % Volker Kuhlmann <VolkerKuhlmann@gmx.de> % 20 Feb 1995, 16, 18 Jan 1998, 5 Feb 1998; 9, 22 Mar 2000 % %statusdict begin true setduplexmode false settumble end /setpagedevice where { pop % throw dict name % gs 3.33 does not have /Duplex, /Tumble in pagedevice dict currentpagedevice /Duplex known { %<< /Duplex true >> % << >> are level 2 only /tmpdict 1 dict def tmpdict /Duplex true put tmpdict setpagedevice } if currentpagedevice /Tumble known { /tmpdict 1 dict def tmpdict /Tumble false put tmpdict setpagedevice } if }{ statusdict begin true setduplexmode false settumble % this does not work with gs 3.33 (undefined error) end } ifelse % { % start a procedure so PostScript `ignores' the dvips configuration part. h config.duplong } pop % PostScript cleanup % % EOF config.duplong