# Lilith Lilith reads in EVE files from Suricata and Sagan into PostgreSQL. From there that data can then be searched and information on specific events fetched. ## Intalation ### Debian ``` apt-get install zlib1g-dev cpanminus libjson-perl libtoml-perl \ libdbi-perl libfile-readbackwards-perl libdigest-sha-perl libpoe-perl \ libfile-slurp-perl libdbd-pg-perl cpanm Lilith ``` ### FreeBSD ``` pkg install p5-App-cpanminus p5-JSON p5-TOML p5-DBI \ p5-File-ReadBackwards p5-Digest-SHA p5-POE \ p5-MIME-Base64 p5-Gzip-Faster p5-DBD-Pg p5-File-Slurp cpanm Lilith ``` ### Source ``` perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ``` ## Setup First you need to setup your PostgreSQL server. ``` createuser -D -l -P -R -S lilith createdb -E UTF8 -O lilith lilith ``` Setup `/usr/local/etc/lilith.toml` ``` dsn="dbi:Pg:dbname=lilith;host=" pass="WhateverYouSetAsApassword" user="lilith" # a handy one to ignore for the extend as it is spammy class_ignore=["Generic Protocol Command Decode"] # add a suricata instance to monitor [suricata-eve] instance="foo-pie" type="suricata" eve="/var/log/suricata/alert.json" # add a second suricata instance to monitor [another-eve] instance="foo2-pie" type="suricata" eve="/var/log/suricata/alert2.json" # add a sagan eve to monitor # instance name is 'foo-lae', given there is no value for instance [foo-lae] type="sagan" eve="/var/log/sagan/alert.json" ``` Now we just need to setup the tables. ``` lilith -a create_tables ``` If using snmpd. ``` extend lilith /usr/local/bin/lilith -a extend ``` ### Config File The default config file is `/usr/local/etc/lilith.toml`. | Variable | Description | |--------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | dsn | A DSN connection string to be used by [DBI][https://metacpan.org/pod/DBI]. [DBD::Pg][https://metacpan.org/pod/DBD::Pg] | | pass | Password to use for the connection. | | user | User to use for the connetion. | | class_ignore | Array of classes to ignore. | Sub hashes are then treated as a instance. The following values are available for that. | Variable | Required | Description | |----------|----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | eve | yes | The EVE file to follow. | | type | yes | `sagan` or `suricata`, depending on which it is. | | instance | no | The name for the instance. If not specified the hash name is used. | ## Options ### SYNOPSIS lilith \[-c \<config\>\] -a run lilith -a class_map lilith \[-c \<config\>\] -a create_tables lilith \[-c \<config\>\] -a dump_self lilith \[-c \<config>\] -a event \[-t \<table\>\] --id \<row_id\> \[--raw\] \[\[--virani \<remote\>\] \[--pcap \<output file\>\] \[--buffer \<buffer secodns\>\]\] lilith \[-c \<config\>\] -a event \[-t \<table\>\] --event \<event_id\> \[--raw\] \[\[--virani \<remote\>\] \[--pcap \<output file\>\] \[--buffer \<buffer secodns\>\]\] lilith \[-c \<config\>\] -a extend \[-Z\] \[-m \<minutes\>\] lilith -a generate_baphomet_yamls --dir \<dir\> lilith \[-c \<config\>\] -a get_short_class_snmp_list lilith \[-c \<config\>\] -a search \[--output \<return\>\] \[-t \<table\>\] \[-m \<minutes\>\] \[--order \<clm\>\] \[--limit \<int\>\] \[--offset \<int\>\] \[--orderdir \<dir\>\] \[--si \<src_ip\>\] \[--di \<dst_ip\>\] \[--ip \<ip\>\] \[--sp \<src_port\>\] \[--dp \<dst_port\>\] \[--port \<port\>\] \[--host \<host\>\] \[--hostl\] \[--hosN\] \[--ih \<host\>\] \[--ihl\] \[--ihN\] \[-i \<instance\>\] \[-il\] \[-iN\] \[-c \<class\>\] \[--cl\] \[--cN\] \[-s \<sig\>\] \[--sl\] \[--sN\] \[--if \<if\>\] \[--ifl\] \[--ifN\] \[--ap \<proto\>\] \[--apl\] \[--apN\] \[--gid \<gid\>\] \[--sid \<sid\>\] \[--rev \<rev\>\] ### GENERAL SWITCHES #### -a <action> The action to perform. - Default :: search #### -c <config> The config file to use. - Default :: /usr/local/etc/lilith.toml #### -t <table> Table to operate on. - Default :: suricata ### ACTIONS #### run Start processing the EVE logs and daemonize. #### class_map Print a table of class mapping from long name to the short name used for display in the search results. #### create_tables Create the tables in the DB. #### dump_self Initiate Lilith and then dump it via Data::Dumper. #### event Fetches a event. The table to use can be specified via -t. ##### --id <row_id> Fetch event via row ID. ##### --event <event_id> Fetch the event via the event ID. ##### --raw Do not decode the EVE JSON. ##### --pcap <file> Fetch the remote PCAP via Virani and write it to the file. Only usable for with Suricata tables. Default :: undef ##### --virani <conf> Virani setting to pass to -r. Default :: instance name in alert ##### --buffer <secs> How many seconds to pad the start and end time with. Default :: 60 #### extend Prints a LibreNMS style extend. ##### -Z Enable Gzip+Base64 LibreNMS style extend compression. ##### -m <minutes> How far back to search. For the extend action, 5 minutes is the default. #### generate_baphomet_yamls Generate the YAMLs for Baphomet. ##### -d <dir> The directory to write it out too. #### get_short_class_snmp_list Print a list of shorted class names for use wit SNMP. #### search Search the DB. The table may be specified via -t. The common option types for search are as below. - Integer :: A comma seperated list of integers to check for. Any number prefixed with a ! will be negated. - String :: A string to check for. May be matched using like or negated via the proper options. - Complex :: A item to match. ##### General Search Options ###### --output <return> The output type. - Values :: table,json - Default :: table ###### -m <minute> How far back to to in minutes. - Default :: 1440 - Default, extend :: 5 ###### --order <column> Column to use for sorting by. - Default :: timestamp ###### --orderdir <direction> Direction to order in. - Values :: ASC,DSC - Default :: ASC ##### IP Options ###### --si <src IP> Source IP. - Default :: undef - Type :: string ###### --di <dst IP> Destination IP. - Default :: undef - Type :: string ###### --ip <IP> IP, either dst or src. - Default :: undef - Type :: complex ##### Port Options ###### --sp <src port> Source port. - Default :: undef - Type :: integer ###### --dp <dst port> Destination port. - Default :: undef - Type :: integer ###### -p <port> Port, either dst or src. - Default :: undef - Type :: complex ##### Host Options Sagan :: Host is the sending system and instance host is the host the instance is running on. Suricata :: Host is the system the instance is running on. There is no instance host. ###### --host <host> Host. - Default :: undef - Type :: string ###### --hostl Use like for matching host. - Default :: undef ###### --hostN Invert host matching. - Default :: undef ##### Instance Options ###### --ih <host> Instance host. - Default :: undef - Type :: string ###### --ihl Use like for matching instance host. - Default :: undef ###### --ihN Invert instance host matching. - Default :: undef ##### Instance Options =head4 -i <instance> Instance. - Default :: undef - Type :: string ###### --il Use like for matching instance. - Default :: undef ###### --iN Invert instance matching. - Default :: undef ##### Class Options ###### -c <class> Classification. - Default :: undef - Type :: string ###### --cl Use like for matching classification. - Default :: undef ###### --cN Invert class matching. - Default :: undef ##### Signature Options ###### -s <sig> Signature. - Default :: undef - Type :: string ###### --sl Use like for matching signature. - Default :: undef ###### --sN Invert signature matching. - Default :: undef ##### In Interface Options ###### --if <if> Interface. - Default :: undef - Type :: string ###### --ifl Use like for matching interface. - Default :: undef ###### --ifN Invert interface matching. - Default :: undef ##### App Proto Options ###### --ap <proto> App proto. - Default :: undef - Type :: string ###### --apl Use like for matching app proto. - Default :: undef ###### --apN Invert app proto matching. - Default :: undef ##### Rule Options ###### --gid <gid> GID. - Default :: undef - Type :: integer ###### --sid <sid> SID. - Default :: undef - Type :: integer ###### --rev <rev> Rev. - Default :: undef - Type :: integer ## ENVIROMENTAL VARIABLES ### Lilith_table_color The L<Text::ANSITable> table color to use. - Default :: Text::ANSITable::Standard::NoGradation ### Lilith_table_border The L<Text::ANSITable> border type to use. - Default :: ASCII::None ### Lilith_IP_color Perl boolean for if IPs should be colored or not. - Default :: 1 ### Lilith_IP_private_color ANSI color to use for private IPs. - Default :: bright_green ### Lilith_IP_remote_color ANSI color to use for remote IPs. - Default :: bright_yellow ### Lilith_IP_local_color ANSI color to use for local IPs. - Default :: bright_red ### Lilith_timesamp_drop_micro Perl boolean for if microseconds should be dropped or not. - Default :: 1 ### Lilith_instance_color If the lilith instance colomn info should be colored. - Default :: 1 ### Lilith_instance_type_color Color for the instance name. - Default :: bright_blue ### Lilith_instance_slug_color Color for the insance slug. - Default :: bright_magenta ### Lilith_instance_loc_color Color for the insance loc. - Default :: bright_cyan.