This is a snapshot release of the NIS interface to Perl 5.  There are two
parts to the interface: the raw component (Net::NIS), and the
object-oriented component (Net::NIS::Table).

The NIS interface only implements the NIS API, so there is no write
access to the NIS databases.

The object-oriented interface is used to simplify access to the NIS
databases.  It is used like this: 

  require Net::NIS::Table;
  $hosts=Net::NIS::Table->new("hosts.byname");	# automatically uses
						# the default domainname

  $data=$hosts->list;				# retrieve the host data

  print "$hostname's IP address is $data->{$hostname}\n";

I have included the start to the documentation in NIS.pod and


To compile the NIS package:

1. Unpack the distribution file.  It will create its own directory.
2. cd NIS-a2
3. perl Makefile.PL
4. make
5. t/tabletest

when you are happy with the extension, you can type:

6. make install

to install it on your system


This is alpha code.  This means:

a) the interfaces may change
b) it may not even work for you

Please report any bugs in the code or documentation to  There is a mailing list, which I encourage anyone using the alpha
or beta versions of the NIS or NIS+ interfaces to subscribe to.  You
can subscribe by sending the message 'subscribe perl-nis' in the body
of a message to  The list is intended
to be a discussion/announcement list for all things to do with the NIS
and NIS+ perl extensions.

have fun,
rik.	(1995-11-10)