潳�滹�漶� 潳�滹手ˋ漶� 滹�滹�滹�
              潳�滹手ㄓ滹手�漶�    滹罱▲�瓰��𥕞ㄨ漶撾�𥕞�漶潑�麨�𥕞�争�争�争�争ㄒ滹�滹�滹�滹�滹�滹�滹�滹�滹�滹�漶�
          潳争朌滹胼�争�𥕞�圝朌漶猾╳漶仮稭滹手�鐥ˇ��麨�滹氯�𦥑�滹�漶氯�� 滹罱�� ��鐥�尠�争�争�争�争�争�争�争�争�争�争◣���
          ��覀ㄖ �覔滹踱○漶���仮╪漶�稭���2漶� ��𦥑ˉ滹踱ˋ潳踱��糂滹嗯�謿�鐥�潳�  滹罱�砽ㄑ�𨸹�絍�絍�� 漶賤�  滹�
           ����轁ㄡ��嫰�𣏾�𥕞╪漶𢞖▼  漶撾�  滹踱ˋ漶�   滹� 滹潑�罱�謿�漶撾ˋ��麨�滹罱﹞�𨸹�聦�絍��𥕞�𥕞�𥕞�𦥑▼
       潳�漶氯〃�覔��𨧀� ��鐥7漶�����𣏾𥼚滹�漶潑�  潳售ˋ漶麨4 潳�滹撾���鎿�𦥑�滹售ㄞ�聛�甅��尠�� 潳�滹氯��    潳詹��
       ��覀�仮稭�𨸹滹� �稭滹� ��争�𣏾5滹晦ˋ漶�滹�滹手聛滹麨ㄞ滹手ㄥ漶嗯Ⅶ滹踱ㄞ�� 潳�ˊ��滹�滹�滹罱ㄣ滹撾ㄞ��     滹氯��
          潳�滹嫖ㄥ漶�潳�ㄦ滹嗯ㄓ滹潑ˋ漶踱�轁�𦥑ㄘ滹嗯�麨�𥕞ˋ滹踱ㄦ滹撾�𥕞�争�漶手聛��𥕞�圝�𦥑�争�𥕞ˋ漶踱��     潳罱��
         ��仮�𥕞ㄡ漶嗯ㄓ滹手ˋ漶踱�𦥑��朌�瓰��𥕞�𥕞�仮�𥕞�𥕞�𦥑�争覔�瓰�瓰潳踱ˋ滹謿�罱�砽�潳�滹罱𨸹潳�滹�ㄢ滹�     潳兩ㄥ滹色﹞滹�滹�
          ��争�滹氯�𦥑ㄧ���       滹售ㄥ�聦���      ����𥕞朌潳踱ˋ滹踱�𥕞�𦥑�争�仮ˋ   滹罱▲滹徉ㄜ�絍滹凌�
         潳�滹氯�麨�争╮漶謿□   潳罱��  ���            潳詹ˋ漶踱Ⅶ漶圝�圝糚�瓰�絍�絍�絍��麨�𦥑�滹�滹�滹���争稭滹�
        �糚滹踱甅��潳�滹撾甅�瓰�僙潳手ㄓ漶�   潳�滹�滹手ㄥ滹胼ㄔ滹手ㄓ漶嫰�   ���ˉ滹踱ㄦ滹吲○�𨸹滹手�滹�   ���  ��仮朌潳色��4漶�
       潳�漶潑�𦥑ㄓ�聦��𦥑�   滹氯瓰�瓰潳嗯ㄥ滹踱ˋ��麨�𥕞Ⅲ滹踱ˋ��麨�      ���朌滹踱�𨧀�𥕞甅滹色�漶��稭潳手�      ��仮𡵆滹�
      滹罱ˋ��麨��    滹�滹�漶� 滹手ㄓ滹潑ˋ滹踱ㄦ滹�滹氯ˋ漶踱��      �糂漶� 潳領ˋ滹踱ㄥ滹�漶�朌滹� ����仮糚滹手�漶�  ��爗╪滹𢞖�仮��
     潳售�麨�     ��𥕞◣�絍��砽�𥕞�漶謿�争�仮瓰滹踱ˋ漶麨��         滹�  滹踱ˋ滹把�仮8滹�漶��     ��争�争�仮8漶�����𥕞╪
    滹罱▼��𥕞7滹色ㄓ滹手ㄣ滹� ���▼��麨�𥕞�争�潳�滹�滹� ��争�仮�𥕞�圝�       漶� 滹賤ˋ��覀Ⅲ滹猾�����争��         �覔滹�  ��
    漶�  潳詹ˋ漶踱�争�仮�� ���      ����争�争� ��𣏾糚潳手�漶�    滹潑� 潳踱ˋ  滹踱���罱�       ��罱�滹� 潳嫖�
    滹猾�  漶�       滹����   滹罱�嫰�滹�滹罱ㄓ滹手ㄦ滹𢞖�仮╪漶�潳�漶撾�  潳詹ˋ漶�滹領��  潳嫖�       潳嫖�𢞖4滹鎿��
    潳領ㄖ滹罱ㄧ漶�          滹罱▽��麨�𥕞�争ㄔ漶撾Ⅶ滹踱ˋ滹踱� ��仮�    滹踱�謿ˋ漶踱�   �朌滹猾═漶�    潳詹�� 潳踱��
     ��争Ⅲ潳踱ˋ滹嗯ㄓ滹手�滹�滹�滹�滹手ㄣ漶踱�𦥑�滹罱●��麨�滹氯ˋ滹踱ˋ滹踱ˋ漶�     滹潑�麨ˉ滹踱ㄦ潳領�鎿�  ��覀8漶�  滹罱ㄓ漶� ����𥕞�
      ��覀僙潳踱�𨧀�争�争�争�仮Ⅶ�匲潳領ˋ滹撾�嫰�𥕞�  滹撾�謿��Ⅲ滹踱ˋ滹踱ˋ漶�漶�   潳領ㄟ��麨���覀╪漶領ˋ漶�  潳詹ㄦ  滹踱�麨�
         ��仮�𦥑�𥕞稭滹嗯ㄥ�甅潳撾ˋ滹�    潳�滹�   潳領ˋ滹踱ˋ漶�   潳�滹氯��    �����4  滹詹�仮ㄕ潳售��
             ��覀ˋ滹�潳潑ˋ滹踱���圝╰滹踱ˉ滹把� 潳手�滹踱ˋ滹踱“  潳�滹撾�  潳�潳罱�  漶嫰�漶氯�滹詹�麨稭滹�
              �覔漶賤ˇ滹踱覔滹踱�滹撾0滹踱ˋ 漶� �朌滹踱ˋ滹踱� 潳罱ˋ潳�  漶� 漶�  潳�滹氯ˋ��潳�漶潑� ���
                ����� 潳領ˋ滹把9潳麨絍潳撾��  滹詹▼�� 潳罱ˇ漶麨Ⅳ  滹� 漶� 滹售�𦥑�仮�
                   ���ˋ滹領ˇ滹色��9滹��滹嗯▼��滹�滹�滹撾Ⅶ漶�9  滹麨’滹把ㄥ��� unleashed
                    �瓲潳踱�𨧀�𥕞朌�瓰�瓰�瓰��𦥑�罱▽潳𦥑ˇ滹謿ㄧ滹猾☆滹�1��麨�𥕞朌漶�  v1.21
                      潳領�   ��鐥�尠�𦥑�罱▽滹把ˋ����仮4滹賤��
                      ���稭潳色ㄓ滹手�滹手▲��� ���Ⅶ漶�  潳踱��
                            ���    �����  ���


e - beast mode unleashed


Add a trace marker:

    perl -Me -e 'sub f1 { trace } sub f2 { f1 } f2'

Watch a reference for changes:

    perl -Me -e 'my $v = {}; sub f1 { watch( $v ) } sub f2 { f1; $v->{a} = 1 } f2'

    perl -Me -e '
        package A {
            use e;
            my %h = ( aaa => 111 );


            sub f1 {
                $h{b} = 1;

            sub f2 {
                delete $h{aaa};


Benchmark two snippets of code:

    perl -Me -e 'n { slow => sub{ ... }, fast => sub{ ... }}, 10000'

Launch the Runtime::Debugger:

    perl -Me -e 'repl'

Invoke the Tiny::Prof:

    perl -Me -e 'prof'

Convert a data structure to json:

    perl -Me -e 'say j { a => [ 1..3] }'

Convert a data structure to yaml:

    perl -Me -e 'say yml { a => [ 1..3] }'

Pretty print a data structure:

    perl -Me -e 'p { a => [ 1..3] }'

Data dump a data structure:

    perl -Me -e 'd { a => [ 1..3] }'

Devel::Peek dump a data structure:

    perl -Me -e 'dd { a => [ 1..3] }'

Print data as a table:

    perl -Me -e 'table( [qw(key value)], [qw(red 111)], [qw(blue 222)] )'
    | key  | value |
    | red  | 111   |
    | blue | 222   |

Encode/decode UTF-8:

    perl -C -Me -e 'printf "%#X\n", ord for enc("\x{5D0}") =~ /./g'

    perl -C -Me -e 'say dec "\xD7\x90"'


This module imports many features that make
one-liners and script debugging much faster.

It has been optimized for performance to not
import all features right away:
thereby making its startup cost quite low.


## monkey\_patch

Insert subroutines into the symbol table.

Extracted from Mojo::Util for performance.

Perhaps can be updated based on the outcome
of this issue:

## import

## repl

Add a breakpoint to code.

Basically inserts a Read Evaluate Print Loop.

Enable to analyze code in the process.

## trace

Show a stack trace.

    trace( $depth=1 )

## watch

Watch a reference for changes.

    watch( $ref, OPTIONS )


    -clone => 0,               # Will not watch cloned objects.

    -methods => "fetch",       # Monitor just this method.
    -methods => [ "fetch" ],   # Same.

    -levels  => NUM,           # How many scope levels to show.
    NUM,                       # Same.

    -raw => 1,                 # Include internal calls.
    -NUM,                      # Same.

    -message => STR,           # Message to display.
    STR,                       # Same.

## prof

Profile the code from this point on.

    my $obj = prof;
    # $obj goes out of scope and builds results.

## n

Benchmark and compare different pieces of code.

    Time single block of code.
    n sub{ ... };
    n sub{ ... }, 100000;

    # Compare blocks of code.
    n {
        slow => sub{ ... },
        fast => sub{ ... },
    n {
        slow => sub{ ... },
        fast => sub{ ... },
    }, 10000;

## j

JSON Parser.

## x

XML parser.

## yml

YAML parser.

## enc

Encode UTF-8 code point to a byte stream:

    perl -C -Me -e 'printf "%#X\n", ord for enc("\x{5D0}") =~ /./g'

## dec

Decode a byte steam to UTF-8 code point:

    perl -C -Me -e 'say dec "\xD7\x90"'

## utf8

Set STDOUT and STDERR as UTF-8 encoded.

## b

Work with strings.

## c

Work with arrays.

## f

Work with files.

## say

Print with newline.

## p

Pretty data printer.

## np

Return pretty printer data.

## d

Data dumper.

## dd

Internal data dumper.

## dye

Color a string.

    say dye( "HEY", "RED" );

## table

Print data as a table:

    perl -Me -e 'table( [qw(key value)], [qw(red 111)], [qw(blue 222)] )'
    | key  | value |
    | red  | 111   |
    | blue | 222   |

Context sensitive!

    - Void   - output table.
    - List   - return individual lines.
    - Scalar - return entire table as a string.

## g

Perform a get request.

## l

Work with URLs.

## pod

Work with perl pod.


Tim Potapov, `<tim.potapov[AT]gmail.com>`


Please report any bugs or feature requests to


You can find documentation for this module
with the perldoc command.

    perldoc e

You can also look for information at:



Logo was generated using: [https://emojicombos.com/dot-art-editor](https://emojicombos.com/dot-art-editor)


This software is Copyright (c) 2024 by Tim Potapov.

This is free software, licensed under:

    The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)