NAME Tags::HTML::InfoBox - Tags helper for HTML info box. SYNOPSIS use Tags::HTML::InfoBox; my $obj = Tags::HTML::InfoBox->new(%params); $obj->cleanup; $obj->init($infobox); $obj->prepare($infobox); $obj->process; $obj->process_css; METHODS "new" my $obj = Tags::HTML::InfoBox->new(%params); Constructor. * "css" CSS::Struct::Output object for process_css processing. Default value is undef. * "css_class" Default value is 'info-box'. * "lang" Language in ISO 639-1 code. Default value is undef. * "tags" Tags::Output object. Default value is undef. "cleanup" $obj->cleanup; Process cleanup after page run. In this case cleanup internal representation of a set by init. Returns undef. "init" $obj->init($infobox); Process initialization in page run. Accepted $infobox is Data::InfoBox. Returns undef. "prepare" $obj->prepare($infobox); Process initialization before page run. Accepted $infobox is Data::InfoBox. Returns undef. "process" $obj->process; Process Tags structure for HTML a element to output. Do nothing in case without inicialization by init. Returns undef. "process_css" $obj->process_css; Process CSS::Struct structure for HTML a element to output. Do nothing in case without inicialization by init. Returns undef. ERRORS new(): From Mo::utils::CSS::check_css_class(): Parameter '%s' has bad CSS class name. Value: %s Parameter '%s' has bad CSS class name (number on begin). Value: %s From Tags::HTML::new(): Parameter 'css' must be a 'CSS::Struct::Output::*' class. Parameter 'tags' must be a 'Tags::Output::*' class. init(): Info box object must be a instance of 'Data::InfoBox'. prepare(): Info box object must be a instance of 'Data::InfoBox'. process(): From Tags::HTML::process(): Parameter 'tags' isn't defined. process_css(): From Tags::HTML::process_css(): Parameter 'css' isn't defined. EXAMPLE use strict; use warnings; use CSS::Struct::Output::Indent; use Tags::HTML::InfoBox; use Tags::Output::Indent; use Test::Shared::Fixture::Data::InfoBox::Street; use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8); # Object. my $css = CSS::Struct::Output::Indent->new; my $tags = Tags::Output::Indent->new( 'xml' => 1, ); my $obj = Tags::HTML::InfoBox->new( 'css' => $css, 'tags' => $tags, ); # Data object for info box. my $infobox = Test::Shared::Fixture::Data::InfoBox::Street->new; # Initialize. $obj->init($infobox); # Process. $obj->process; $obj->process_css; # Print out. print "HTML:\n"; print encode_utf8($tags->flush); print "\n\n"; print "CSS:\n"; print $css->flush; # Output: # HTML: # <table class="info-box"> # <tr> # <td /> # <td> # N獺b�羴鱉穩 Rudoarm�𢽴c轡 # </td> # </tr> # <tr> # <td /> # <td> # P�䔻苑or # </td> # </tr> # <tr> # <td /> # <td> # �𨫪sk獺 republika # </td> # </tr> # </table> # # CSS: # .info-box { # background-color: #32a4a8; # padding: 1em; # } # .info-box .icon { # text-align: center; # } # .info-box a { # text-decoration: none; # } DEPENDENCIES Class::Utils, Error::Pure, Mo::utils::CSS, Scalar::Util, Tags::HTML, Tags::HTML::Icon. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef �麖a�嶤k <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT 穢 2023-2025 Michal Josef �麖a�嶤k BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01