NAME perl5::i - perl5 plugin for perl5i SYNOPSIS use perl5-i; DESCRIPTION This is effectively a shorter way of writing: use perl5i::latest; THE END \ . ./ \ .:";'.:.." / (M^^.^~~:.'"). - (/ . . . \ \) - O ((| :. ~ ^ :. .|)) |\\ - (\- | \ / | /) - | T -\ \ / /- / \[_]..........................\ \ / / "If you're going to hand users a bomb, at least put warning labels on it." -- Michael Schwern perl5i::latest SEE: * perl5 * perl5i * perl5i::latest * <> AUTHOR Ingy d繹t Net <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011-2014. Ingy d繹t Net. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See <>