# NAME CBOR::PP - CBOR in pure Perl # SYNOPSIS my $value = CBOR::PP::decode( $cbor ); my $tagged = CBOR::PP::tag( 123, 'value' ); my $cbor = CBOR::PP::encode( [ 'some', { data => $tagged } ] ); # canonical encoding $cbor = CBOR::PP::encode( { aa => 'last', a => 'first', z => 'middle' }, { canonical => 1 }, ); # DESCRIPTION This library implements a [CBOR](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049) encoder and decoder in pure Perl. This module itself is a syntactic convenience. For details about what CBOR::PP can and can�脌 do, see the underlying [CBOR::PP::Encode](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::PP::Encode) and [CBOR::PP::Decode](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::PP::Decode) modules. # STATUS This distribution is an experimental effort. That having been said, CBOR is a simple enough encoding that I suspect�㶏 hope!�𤴆hat bugs here will be few and far between. Note that, because [CBOR::Free](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::Free) is so much faster, there probably won�脌 be much further effort put into this pure-Perl code. Note that this distribution�䏭 interface can still change. If you decide to use CBOR::PP in your project, please always check the changelog before upgrading. # SEE ALSO [CBOR::Free](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::Free) is a **much** faster, XS-based encoder/decoder. [CBOR::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/CBOR::XS) isn�脌 quite as fast as CBOR::Free but is older and (as of this writing) more widely used. It�䏭 also technically unsupported on current Perl versions, though, and its GPL license makes it useful only for open-source projects. # AUTHOR [Gasper Software Consulting](http://gaspersoftware.com) (FELIPE) # LICENSE This code is licensed under the same license as Perl itself.