NAME Org::ReadTables - Import Org Mode tables into arrays, or directly into database tables SYNOPSIS use Org::ReadTables; my $op = Org::ReadTables->new( dbh => $dbh, table => 'example', tables => ['a_table'] ); # or: # When called without a 'dbh' argument, saves values # which can be retrieved via the 'saved' method. # my $op = Org::ReadTables->new( cb => \&row_callback, cb_table => \&table_callback, ); # then: $op->parse( $mojo_file->slurp ); DESCRIPTION Org::ReadTables loads data from one or more Emacs Org Mode tables in an org file into a DBI style database which supports the SQL::Abstract/insert method. The underlying DBD must also support the returning option for insertion. For example, given the following .org file: #+NAME: LCCN_Serial | LCCN | Publication | City | Start_Date | End_Date | |------------+-----------------------+---------+------------+------------| | sn92024097 | Adahooni�igii | Phoenix | | | | sn87062098 | Arizona Daily Citizen | Tucson | | | | sn84020558 | Arizona Republican | Phoenix | | 1930-11-10 | | sn83045137 | Arizona Republic | Phoenix | 1930-11-11 | | and a database containing a table called lccn_serial, the parse method would insert four rows into it, in the fields whose names are given in the column headings. The NAME: org attribute specifies the table name; a default value may be passed in the table parameter to the new method. Additionally, a tables array may be passed by reference against which the names of such tables will be validated; table names not listed will have their org tables skipped. Table names may also be specified in a Name property (not case-sensitive) in an Orgmode Drawer preceding the table. For example: :PROPERTIES: :Name: Locos :END: | Wheel Arrangement | Locomotive Type | |-------------------+-----------------| | oo-oo> | American | | ooo-oo> | Mogul | Additionally, with the Drawer format, fixed column values may optionally be specified: :PROPERTIES: :Name: Locos :Country: .us :END: | Wheel Arrangement | Locomotive Type | |-------------------+-----------------| | oo-oo> | American | | ooo-oo> | Mogul | which would have the effect of adding a 'country' column to the right of each record, all having the value '.us'. Pivot Tables NOTE: This is a future feature, not yet fully implemented. When it is desirable to enter data two-dimensionally, a construct like this may be used: :PROPERTIES: :Name: sizes :Data: size_desc | class> | A | B | C | | size_code | | | | |------------+-------+-------+-----| | 1 | 1-2 | 22-26 | | | 2 | 3-4 | 26-30 | XS | | 3 | 5-6 | 30-34 | S | where the `Data` property determines which field (column) is assigned the pivoted value. The above table would generate eight data records for the `sizes` table: size_code='1', class='A', size_desc='1-2' size_code='2', class='A', size_desc='3-4' size_code='3', class='A', size_desc='5-6' size_code='1', class='B', size_desc='22-26' size_code='2', class='B', size_desc='26-30' size_code='3', class='B', size_desc='30-34' size_code='2', class='C', size_desc='XS' size_code='3', class='C', size_desc='S' Note that no record is created for class 'C' with size_code '1' as that entry in the pivot table is blank. ATTRIBUTES Org::ReadTables implements the following attributes. inserted Returns a hashref, each element's key being the name of a table into which rows were inserted, and its value being the number of rows inserted into that table. errors Returns a reference to an array, each entry in which itself be an array whose values are: a hash (the column names and values to be inserted), and the resulting error report from that insertion METHODS new Creates a new Org::ReadTables object. Parameters include: dbh should be an open database handle from, e.g., DBD::SQLite, Mojo::SQLite or Mojo::Pg. Each row to be saved will invoke the 'insert' method of this handle (or, more generally, class instance); no other methods will be called, so any object that has provides 'insert' may be used. For each found record, the insert() method of this object will be called. Note that no protection is given here against invalid column names or other database errors. cb Reference to a callback function to be called for each found record, in tables which are processed. Parameters passed are the name of the table, and a reference to a hash of the record's column-names and values. The function should return the count of records successfully saved (either 0 or 1, usually). cb_table Reference to a callback function to be called at the start of processing of a new table, as they are found in the orgfile. The callback will be passed one argument, a hash with keys: * name: A string with the name of the table * nameref: A reference to the table-name string. This may be changed by the callback. * columns: A reference to the array of the names of the columns in the table. The contents of the referred array may be maniuplated to match the actual database field names, for example. * fixed: A reference to a hash of fixed column key/values. This may also be changed by the callback. * caption: The caption, if any, attached above the table itself * data_column: The name of the data column in a pivot table ...and should return a true value if the table is to be processed or saved, or a false or 'undef' value to skip the table (the 'cb' callback will not be called for rows in such tables). table (optional) the default table name, which will be used for all unnamed tables. Use an Orgmode property NAME before each table to name it, as: #+NAME: PostalAbbrev | Code | State | |------+---------| | AZ | Arizona | | FL | Florida | | KS | Kansas | tables (optional) a reference to a list of valid table names to process (others will be ignored). If tables is not given, table should be present; otherwise for input not containing an Orgmode NAME property, no processing will occur. parse $op->parse($text, [$default_table]); Parses the given text which should be in Org Mode format. It is the caller's responsibility to slurp a file or other data source. The optional second parameter will be used as the default name of any table not having an Orgmode NAME property, overriding any table value provided via the new method. saved $op->saved(); $op->saved->($selected_table); Returns a hash of the tables read; each key is a table name, the value being an array of hashes of the rows. If a table name is passed, returns the array of hashes only for that particular table, or undef if no such table existed in any input. inserted $op->inserted(); $op->inserted->($selected_table); With no parameter, returns a hash of the tables processed and a count of rows found (and presumably inserted) in each. With a parameter, returns the count of rows for that table, or undef if no such table was processed. BUGS Report any issues to the author. AUTHOR William Lindley, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2025, William Lindley. This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. SEE ALSO Org::Parser,