NAME wd-citace-monografie - Command line tool for create Czech Wikipedia template for monography defined by Wikidata. SYNOPSIS wd-citace-monografie [-h] [-l lang] [-m mediawiki_site] [-p] [--version] wd_id ARGUMENTS * "-h" Print help. * "-l lang" Language used defined by ISO 639��1 Code. Default value is en = English. * "-m mediawiki_site" MediaWiki site. Default value is ''. * "-p" Pretty print. * "--version" Print version of script. * "wd_id" Identifier of book edition in Wikidata (qid). REPOSITORY < onografie> AUTHOR Michal Josef �麖a�嶤k <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT 穢 2018-2025 Michal Josef �麖a�嶤k BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.03