NAME IO::Select::Trap - IO::Select() functionality on Scalar-based Filehandles INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SYNOPSIS use IO::Select::Trap; use IO::String; my $ios = new IO::String(); my $sock = new IO::Socket(); my $rb = new IO::Select::Trap(<{ trap=>'Scalar|String' }>, $ios, $sock); my $wb = new IO::Select::Trap(<{ trap=>'Scalar|String' }>, $ios, $sock); my ($rready, $wready) = IO::Select::Trap->select($rb, $wb); DESCRIPTION IO::Select::Trap is a wrapper for "IO::Select" which enables use of the "IO::Select->select()" method on IO::Scalar or IO::String object/filehandles. Other filehandle object types (ie IO::Socket) are passed through to IO::Select for processing. Most of the IO::Select interface is supported. AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT Scott Scecina, <> Except where otherwise noted, IO::Select::Trap is Copyright 2001 Scott Scecina. All rights reserved. IO::Select::Trap is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.