NAME wsf - Web Service Faker VERSION This document describes wsf version 0.004. USAGE shell$ WEBSERVICE_FAKE=/path/to/fake.yml wsf daemon DESCRIPTION This application allows building fake web services. Well, they might be real... but don't trust the apps you will generate to be too powerful. Configuration File Definition The input definition file is YAML-formatted and its path is taken from environment variable WEBSERVICE_FAKE. By default, file webservice-fake.yml in the current directory is used. This file will be called configuration file in the following. The highest level is a key/value pairs hash. The following keys have a special meaning: defaults key/value pairs that will be taken as default values for some elements in the "routes". You can set the following items, see "routes" for details on each one: * "body_wrapper", a possible wrapper to be applied to each body generated by "routes". This can come handy to factor most of your response in a single place, and concentrate only on the parts that change; * "code", defaulting to 200; * "headers" - note that in this case the values specified here are added to the ones in each specification in "routes", so be sure to only put the ones that have to appear in every response; * "template_start" for Template::Perlish, defaulting to [%; * "template_stop" for Template::Perlish, defaulting to %]; routes an array of route specifications. Each specification is an hash with the following possible keys: body a Template::Perlish text that will be used to generate the body for the response (but see also "body_wrapper"); body_wrapper a Template::Perlish text that, if defined, will be used to wrap whatever is generated by "body". For example, in the following definition: # ... body: 'id -> [% %]' body_wrapper: > Hello, [% recipient %]. Here is what we have: [% content %] So, whatever is generated by "body" can then be wrapped in body_wrapper using the new variable content for espanding its text; code the code to return for the call headers array of key/value pairs for defining headers in the response. Each value is treated as a Template::Perlish template; method the HTTP method name. See "methods" if you want to specify more than one; methods an array with the list of HTTP methods; path the path of the route, anything accepted by Mojolicious will do, including placeholders and other amenities (e.g. / or /foo/:bar). All Template::Perlish templates have access to the following variables: * body_params: all parameters in the body of a POST request; * config: the configuration file contents * controller: the Mojolicious::Controller object that catched the request; * headers: headers in the request, as Mojo::Headers; * params: all parameters from the request (both GET and POST); * query_params: all parameters in the query (mostly for a GET request); * spec: the full specification that originated a specific route; * stash: the stash values for the request; * v: a shortcut to sub-item v inside the config, to ease your life for tracking your own variables. In addition, "body_wrapper" can also access whatever is generated by "body" through the key content. Example The following commented example should get you started. # vim: ts=2 sw=2 expandtab defaults: body_wrapper: | { "status": true, "data": [% content %]} headers: - X-Whatever: hello X-Hey: "You [%= join '/', sort keys %{V('headers')} %] rock" somestuff: &somestuff > {"hey":"joe"} v: some_array: - one - two - three x: starter routes: # this route gets the same behaviour for GETs and POSTs. # Default body_wrapper applies here because there's no overriding - path: '/' methods: [ GET, post ] headers: - Server: 'My::Server' body: '{"message":"ciao [% %]"}' # this route gets a custom wrapping and a single method - path: '/simple' method: get headers: - Content-Type: text/plain body: 'hullo' body_wrapper: "I say: [% content %]\n" # this route does not get and wrapping at all - path: '/nowrap' method: get headers: - Content-Type: text/plain body: "LOOK MA', NO WRAP!\n" body_wrapper: ~ # this leverages upon YAML to get stuff around in this file - path: '/somestuff' body: *somestuff # this modifies a variable that can be reused in following requests - path: '/add' method: post code: 201 headers: - Content-Type: text/plain body: | [%= push @{V "v.some_array"}, time(); "ok" %] body_wrapper: ~ # this prints out the list in v.some_array (see above). It can be # used to check that /add actually works - path: '/visit-config' body: > [[%= join ", ", map { qq{"$_"} } A "v.some_array" %]] # these two team up. The first one prepares the answer that the second # will give out - path: '/prepare/:id' method: post body: '[% V("v")->{x} = (A("v.some_array"))[V ""]; %]' code: 204 body_wrapper: ~ - path: '/whatnow' method: get body: '[% v.x %]' body_wrapper: ~ BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Report bugs through GitHub (patches welcome). SEE ALSO WebService::Fake. AUTHOR Flavio Poletti <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2016 by Flavio Poletti <> This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.