NAME `TAPORlib' - TAPORlib is a Perl module that contains some useful functions. DESCRIPTION This library used by some great modules as WWW::Promotion, etc. It is provided by TAPOR, Inc. IMPORTED FUNCTIONS/VARS $eol Description: $eol = "\x0D\x0A"; @rndletters Description: @rndletters = qw(q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k l z x c v b n m); %countrycodes / %countrycodesbyname Description: %countrycodes = ( 'ca' => 'Canada', 'af' => 'Afghanistan', 'al' => 'Albania', 'dz' => 'Algeria', ... ); %countrycodesbyname = reverse %countrycodes; %operation_systems Description: %operation_systems = ( 'Windows 98' => 'Windows 98', 'Win98' => 'Windows 98', 'Windows 95' => 'Windows 95', 'Win95' => 'Windows 95', 'Mozilla/3.01 (compatible;)' => 'Windows 95', %monthbynumber / %monthbyname Description: %monthbynumber = ( '1' => "January", '2' => "February", '3' => "March", '4' => "April", ...); %monthbyname = reverse %monthbynumber; %color Description: %color =( 'normal' => "", 'black' => "", 'red' => "" , 'ligthred' => "", ... ); $string = &Delete_CRLF_from_End_Of_String($string); Description: Function removes trailing "r" and "\n" from end of $string. &add_string_to_file("filename",$string); Description: This function adds $string to the end of file "filename". &add_string_to_file_spec_output("filename",$who,$string,$end); Description: This function makes special output to "filename". String shows like this: --- $who ---------------- $string --------------------$end @allfiles = &GetAllFilesInDir($dirname); Description: This function returns massive that contains filenames with path in directory $dirname and filenames with path in subdirs also. @allfilescontents = &GetAllFilesContaningInDir($dirname); Description: This function returns massive that contains content of all files in directory $dirname (subdirs also). %out = &GetPageNow_4(%pagenow); Description: Use this function to get page from website. Usage: $pagenow{'url'} = ""; $pagenow{'method'} = "POST|GET"; $pagenow{'referer'} = ""; $pagenow{'content'} = "user=blah\&info=blah-blah"; # If defined this agent string will be used insted Netscape $pagenow{'agent'} = "My AGENT"; # If specified Print some useful information to this logfile; $pagenow{'logfile'} = "logfile.log"; # If proxy not specified then Get Page without usage of proxy. $pagenow{'proxy'} = ""; # If specified then send to page this cookies: $pagenow{'cookies'} = "C=12345; F=1"; # TimeOut to Connect To Proxy/Host. Default: 60 $pagenow{'timeoutconnect'} = 60; # TimeOut to Request Page. Default: 300 $pagenow{'timeoutrequest'} = 180; # No Request. GetPageNow_4() returns simple 'FAST MODE' page. $pagenow{'norequest'} = 1; # Show Error Page If Error Detected $pagenow{'showerrors'} = 1; %out = &GetPageNow_4(%pagenow); Output: $out{'error'} == 0 - No errors $out{'error'} == 1 - Some Error. $out{'errortxt'} - Error description if $out{'error'} == 1 $out{'status'} - Status of downloaded page $out{'headers'} - Header of downloaded page $out{'body'} - Body of downloaded page $out{'cookies'} - Cookies If page returns some cookies $text = &uri_escape($text,$pattern); Description: This function escapes url, commonly used to changes special symbols in url. Usage: $text = "sss" $pattern = "\x00-\xFF"; $text = &uri_escape($text,$pattern); Output: $text = "%73%73%73"; &HTMLdie($text); Description: Send HTML page with $text to STDOUT and exit program. &isrunninglocaly() Description: Function returns TRUE if script executed in console, FALSE otherwise, e.g. when running under Apache. $cookies = &getcookies($headers) Example: $headers = "Server: Netscape-Enterprise/2.01 Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 08:28:33 GMT Set-Cookie: registered=no; path=/;; expires=Wednesday, 31-Dec-2010 12:00:00 GMT Set-Cookie: UID=35813BB13C05F10C; path=/;; expires=Wednesday, 31-Dec-2010 12:00:00 GMT Location: X-Cache: MISS from Proxy-Connection: close"; $cookies = &getcookies($headers); print "$cookies\n"; Output: UID=35813BB13C05F10C; registered=no $cookies = &joincookies($cookies,$newcookies) Example: $cookies = joincookies("C=1; D=2","D=3; F=2"); print "$cookies\n"; Output: C=1; D=3; F=2 $cookies = &joincookiesinhash(%cookies) Example: %cookies = (D => 1, F => 2); $cookies = &joincookiesinhash(%cookies); print "$cookies\n"; Output: D=1; F=2 $rndstring = &GenerateRandomString($number); Description: This function returns string with $number random chars. $rndstring = &SelectRandomStringFromFile($file); Description: This function returns random string selected from text file $text. Returns undef if no selection available. &CreateAndSendOutHtmlPage($a,$type); Description: This function will create HTML page, print it to stdout and exit. $type may be: 1 - CreateAndSendOutHtmlPage() will execute script in $a path, print it output to stdout and exit. 2 - CreateAndSendOutHtmlPage() will read file $a, print it contents to stdout and exit. 3 - CreateAndSendOutHtmlPage() will print string "Location: $a\n\n" to stdout and exit. Examples: CreateAndSendOutHtmlPage("/path/index.cgi",1); CreateAndSendOutHtmlPage("/path/index.html",2); CreateAndSendOutHtmlPage("",3); &CheckForDomain($domain); Description: This function does very simple task, it compare $domain with $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}. If equal function returns TRUE otherwise it returns FALSE. &SendToDomainIfNotThisDomain($domain); Description: This function resend Web user to new location if domain not $domain. See previous function description. $string = &MassiveToString(@massive); Description: This function does very simple task, it convert massive @massive to string $string. %out = &newsocketto(*S,$host,$port,$timeoutconnect); Description: This function returns connected socket to $host:$port if no error. $timeoutconnect is timeout to connect to $host:$port. Usage: %out = &newsocketto(*S,$host,$port,$timeoutconnect); Output: $out{'error'} == 0 - No errors $out{'error'} == 1 - Some Error. $out{'errortxt'} - Error description if $out{'error'} == 1 S - connected socket to $host:$port. &CheckProxy($proxy); Description: This function checks for proxy server. $proxy server must be passed in the following format: Output: TRUE if proxy server is valid. FALSE if proxy server is invalid. $text_t=&win2koi($text) and $text_t=&koi2win($text) Description: Functions does Win -> Koi and Koi -> Win translation. $scriptname = &GetScriptName(); Description: Function returns current script name. &SetScriptDirAsCurrent(); Description: Function sets current directory to script directory. &send_null_image(); Description: Sends NULL GIF image to client browser and exit. &IsDateValid($day,$month,$year); Description: If date invalid function returns FALSE, otherwise TRUE. %Config = &parse_form_2(); Description: Parse forms content and returns it as hash %Config. $date = &GetDate_2(); Description: Returns $date in string format. For Russian users also GetDateRus_2() function available. $flag = &SendEmailMsg($from,$email,$msg); Example: $flag = &SendEmailMsg("","","test message"); if(!$flag) { print "Can't e-mail to :(\n"; } $flag = &SendEmailMultiMsg($from,$email,@msg); Example: $flag = &SendEmailMultiMsg("","",("test message","2 line")); if(!$flag) { print "Can't e-mail to :(\n"; } @cuttedmsv = &LimitMassive(10,@msv); Description: Function will cut massive @msv to size 10. @tops = &GetTops(@msv); Example: @msv = qw(test test test test2 test2 ); @tops = &GetTops(@msv); Output: @tops = ("test - 3","test2 - 2"); &IsSearchEngine("./robots"); Description: Function will test visitor of your page. It will return Search Engine Name if visitor is Serch Engine. It will return FALSE if visitor is surfer. The "./robots" is directory. See "./txt/robots" in the package. $os = &DetectOperationSystem($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}); Description: Function returns operation system which visitor is uses. &IsAllreadyRunning($numstarts); / &IsAllreadyRunning_2($numstarts); Description: Functions checks if script allready executed. If script allready executed functions returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE. $numstarts defines what maximum executions are allowed. We recomend you to use IsAllreadyRunning_2() function. ($proxyaddr,$proxyport) = &SelectRandomProxyServerFromFile($proxy); Description: This function returns random proxy server selected from file $proxy. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2000-2001 TAPOR, Inc. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.